2024 F1 Discussions

Please let us not go back to the race with the bridge, that was rubbish.
Well this didn't end as expected. Pity we didn't get to see a 15 lap battle for the win, but I suppose the crash was inevitable.

I think Lando needs to think smarter really, Max was never going to capitulate. This was the kind of thing you should do with one or two laps to go.
Well this didn't end as expected. Pity we didn't get to see a 15 lap battle for the win, but I suppose the crash was inevitable.

I think Lando needs to think smarter really, Max was never going to capitulate. This was the kind of thing you should do with one or two laps to go.
So Lando should be smarter by assuming Max won't play by the rules? I placed the coming together as Max's fault and this guy seems to agree...
Yeah I saw that. I mean Lando had half a tyre off the track, we see much much worse than that on a regular basis. The rule is that you should leave a car width, but so it was what 8-10" short? How many examples of this could I find just in the this GP? Most drivers don't even complain until they have their inside wheel off the track.

Oddly I thought this was the one time Max didn't do much wrong, the first time he definitely moved under braking, this time not so much. I'm also heartened by the comments on the F1 websites, I was expecting absolute vilification of Max but it was more measured and balanced. The consensus seems to be that Max's 'history' seems to have gone against him here, and I can't help wondering if there hadn't been punctures for both, and if this hadn't been for the lead, whether there would even been any penalty at all.

Even the writers for Planet F1 weren't unanimous

Max also stated that he didn't move under braking, that he was not pointing straight when he braked. This is a fudge for sure, and I'm sure the rules were written with the assumption that a driver approaches the corner perfectly straight. But if you approach the corner at an angle then you can justifiably say you didn't change direction under braking. This is no doubt bending the rules, but F1 rules are always bent to the max by everyone.

Plus Lando is such a sulky little bitch I would much rather George 'Jolly Hockey Sticks' Russell win.
Well I thought Max squeezed just a few inches too much in this particular case. Seems the stewards agree. He got what he deserved with the puncture.
By the letter of the law yes, but I wonder how much of this is trying to head off future clashes? As we know the stewards are very loose about how they apply rules. This is a very difficult corner at the best of times and I do wonder how a driver who is low in the car, can hardly see out is supposed to be able to judge exactly a 'cars width'? Especially since most of the time the drivers are only too happy to drive as far off the track as they can get away with...

Reminded me of this incident.
Clearly different as Rosberg full on crashed into Hamilton who was fully alongside...
Clearly different as Rosberg full on crashed into Hamilton who was fully alongside...
Very similar, though. Rosberg was at fault and ended up with a puncture.

Especially since most of the time the drivers are only too happy to drive as far off the track as they can get away with...
Yep, they will always try and push the rules as far as they think they can get away with. Max rightfully didn't get away with this one. It's just a shame it also ruined Lando's race.
I just think it's funny how many times we hear drivers say 'he pushed me off the track' and they literally get run off the track and nothing happens, but then Lando has half a tyre over the white line and suddenly the guy on the inside has to leave a full car's width and this is terrible. Smacks more of the stewards being seen to do something. If there was no punctures I am sure they wouldn't have done anything. Better to keep the the action going for the TV. Same in 2021, they should have done something but it was much better for the TV to see Max and Lewis going at it.
Lando surely didn’t expect Max to make it easy for him? Max will always go the edge of the rules-or a bit over-maybe Lando should have held back a couple of laps, making safer feints to get Max into the expectation of something while Lando then does the opposite, also leaving less laps for Max to get back into it and trying his own last lunge.
Maybe I’d be better sticking to NASCAR where ‘rubbing is racing‘?
Apparently RB didn't tell Max that Lando was under investigation for track limits, whereas maybe McLaren told Lando? If Lando knew that then he couldn't really wait as his only chance was to get in front of Max and build a 5 second gap. Whereas if Max knew then he could have let him by and tailed him, using the DRS to stay within 5 seconds....
Lando surely didn’t expect Max to make it easy for him? Max will always go the edge of the rules-or a bit over-maybe Lando should have held back a couple of laps, making safer feints to get Max into the expectation of something while Lando then does the opposite, also leaving less laps for Max to get back into it and trying his own last lunge.
This doesn't make any sense I'm afraid. Saying one driver should be more careful and respectful because the other isn't. Although he lost this race, Lando did the right thing in challenging - now Max knows he will fight just as hard as him, and maybe Max will be more careful next time. Otherwise, he'll just think he can do what he wants and the other drivers will back off or not even attempt to challenge him.
Absolutely correct. There always comes this point where you go up against someone who races to the limit and if you back down they will just bully you, so yeah Lando absolutely did the right thing. Sure he was unlucky and came off worst, but it's still important if he wants to fight Max in the future - and he already has popular opinion on his side due to Max's past indiscretions so he can claim he's 'forced' to do this because Max won't play fair.
This will either lead to a big crash (like Monza with Hamilton) or the FIA will enforce the rules more strictly.
But I still don't think it's reasonable to expect a driver to be able to gauge (exactly) leaving a car's width from inside the cockpit. I think that rule is meant to give 'room' and Lando was barely off the track - and as I said before since F1 drivers drive every corner possible with 90% of their car off the track so that is a very weak argument. Yes that is the rule, but there is no way in hell the FIA reacts every time a driver leaves a couple of inches less than a car's width.
I think the rule is intended to stop drivers just drifting out to the line as they go through the corner and forcing the driver on the outside off the track, which was what every overtake was like a few years ago.
But I still don't think it's reasonable to expect a driver to be able to gauge (exactly) leaving a car's width from inside the cockpit.
Agree with everything you said apart from this. I think it's entirely reasonable to expect these drivers to be able to more or less accurately gauge how much room is enough room for another car. We all do this every day on the road without thinking (e.g. when passing a car coming the other way on a country lane). You learn the width of the car and the road almost instinctively, and these drivers are supposedly the best in the world. Max knew exactly what he was doing in squeezing Lando like that. He would have known inside his head how much space to leave and then he would have chosen to push a few more inches. Not blaming him for this - it's an instinctive thing to do when racing for the lead.
Ah, but the drivers all say that they can't see where the white lines are (when it suits them) so hard to argue another driver can see well enough to leave exactly enough space. Plus, the rule is stupid. Leave a car's width, what does that even mean. If they leave exactly a car's width that is not enough room to not push them off the track. The rule should be something like 'a car's width + 18" or something'.