Jim Dollares
·One thing that most of you are missing is that Masi made a big mistake

One thing that most of you are missing is that Masi made a big mistake
if he had followed proper protocol and not gone Rogue to "Orchestrate a final racing Lap"
Lewis would be Champion and you would all be crying foul.
Do you really think we would scream foul if standard safety car procedure was followed? In my mind I had already accepted Hamilton to win, cause there was no time to unlap all cars. Plus, given how superior the Merc was throughout the race I had the previous 40 isch laps to realise that Hamilton would win. I don't really see myself calling out Masi to cheat if he had done what they always do under safety car.
I've spoken to Albert.
He's not happy with what unfolded in the final laps.
One thing that most of you are missing is that Masi made a big mistake regarding the Unlapped cars and when the safety car was called in. This is not in dispute. Hence the FIA have agreed to fully investigate.
I can't see Masi keeping his job beyond this year.
He's made some mistakes this season and it culminated to this Shit show on Sunday.
So ultimately if he had followed proper protocol and not gone Rogue to "Orchestrate a final racing Lap"
Lewis would be Champion and you would all be crying foul.
There had to be a Winner and Loser, either way someone was going to be unhappy.
Maybe you wouldn't have Jim. But I'm sure others would have. Max on team radio when told cars would not be allowed to unlap already showed his disgust in the decision before it was changed to benefit him.
Max always seems to go off early with his opinions. Just like when he called Perez an Idiot for going off with the Tsunoda incident.
Then this week Perez is amazing for holding up Lewis. Lol...more examples of immaturity.
Yes probably right, few would react as me. After all, I am such an amazing wonderful, mature person I am able to look at the world in a brilliant way.
Joking aside though, I think we have talked about this before but I don't take Max's outbursts as serious as others do. To me it is part of the appeal of the Max package, brutally honest, zero f's given and just shows up to do one thing: WIN. I admire this. Do I agree with all his stupid statements, of course not. Yes he is a lot more immature than other drivers in some scenarios. Or... rather he sometimes lacks the filter to not say what he is thinking. Of course Hamilton and all the others think the same things. Hamilton has 15 years in F1 now and who knows, maybe Max will be the same politically correct polished media trained PR product and inoffensive marketing face as Hamilton in 9 years. I hope not, the showing of emotion and passion is part of the appeal in my eyes.
I’m wondering why Hamilton didn’t pit twice given a virtual safety car and a late safety car.. I think these were the missed opportunities by Mercedes which handed Red Bull one of the best race strategies IMHO and ofcourse Max’s brilliant and flawless overtake.
I’m wondering why Hamilton didn’t pit twice given a virtual safety car and a late safety car.. I think these were the missed opportunities by Mercedes which handed Red Bull one of the best race strategies IMHO and ofcourse Max’s brilliant and flawless overtake.
He couldn't as Max would have done the opposite of what he did. Both incidents effectively allowed Verstappen to get an advantage on Lewis, whatever he would have done.
Everybody want to say something about the rules but people easily forget that not everybody is the referee (in this case, race director & stewards) So I have no issue with the FIA on how they managed this. Might be trivial but our take doesn’t matter, only opinions (or internet chatter) All sports have controversial referee decisions, whether we like it or not. Red Bull made a good strategy decision changing to soft tires (and Mercedes didn’t) and Max was able to overtake Lewis (no drama there) It sounded like it was just easy and obvious but actually it was extremely diffuclt to achieve, so now people just parrot and blame the FIA.
Yes probably right, few would react as me. After all, I am such an amazing wonderful, mature person I am able to look at the world in a brilliant way.
One thing I will say, if the roles were reversed, Hamilton would have passed Max and been champion. And he would see it the way Max sees it and Max would see it like Hamilton sees it.
Rules are abused before they are changed. Let’s also change the ridiculous 10 place grid drop for an engine swap. Or that these don’t even count in the budget cap. Where would Merc have been this season without those favourable rules?