··TAG Heuer Forums ModeratorPitlane start for Sprint Race? Then another 5-grid drop for Sunday Race?
Pitlane start for Sprint Race? Then another 5-grid drop for Sunday Race?
From 20 to 5! 😲
Yup the Merc is so much faster than the competition. He will be up Max's ass in no time tomorrow!
So do we now have variable limits? the setting must X mm but +/- 0.Xmm, perhaps having a rider to the rules such as within tolerance for 95% of its width?
Some of the Max fan boys in the pub last night were overjoyed at his performance in the sprint race until I reminded them that normally he would be expected to lap some of the guys in a normal race. Some of them though would forgive him for sh*tting in their bed such is their love of Lewis.
Max fanbois or Lewis fanbois???