2021 F1 Discussions

Wouldn't that be a bit cramped?

Well there are two cars in a team, so they don’t need to share 😁😜
Since this season has been the end of Bottas in Mercedes, I’m trying to compare LH’s teammates in their 8 consecutive title winning Constructor’s Championship in the Turbo Hybrid Era through their total points for the team 👍

2014: LH & NR / LH champ / 384 vs 317 / 19 races
2015: LH & NR / LH champ / 381 vs 322 / 19 races
2016: LH & NR / NR champ* / 380 vs 385 / 21 races

2017: LH & VB / LH champ / 363 vs 305 / 20 races
2018: LH & VB / LH champ / 408 vs 247 / 21 races
2019: LH & VB / LH champ / 413 vs 326 / 21 races
2020: LH & VB / LH champ / 347 vs 223 / 17 races
2021: LH & VB / (Max champ) / 387.5 vs 226 / 20 races

It is clear here that Bottas is nowhere near Hamilton challenging for the Driver’s Title right? 😉
I’m saying what if Max had the same car as Lewis? 😉
Ah yes, easy WDC win for Max if that would happen
So when do we get a F1 Discussions 2022 thread?
I wonder if we’ll also achieve 100 pages next year
I can't really conceive of next season being able to match that... knowing F1 it will be a total drooper with one team walking it. Let's hope Russell is allowed to fight Hamilton.
Yes, it will be very hard to beat. I think Mercedes will regret swapping Bottas with Russell. Valtteri was a true team player for Lewis.
Yes, it will be very hard to beat. I think Mercedes will regret swapping Bottas with Russell. Valtteri was a true team player for Lewis.

It's always the same dilemma isn't it. The easiest way to win a championship is with a compliant team mate, but then if you collect several world championships with a compliant team mate in a dominant car then you are critisized for having no competition... also with drivers starting so young now and staying so long, it's annoying that these records have been set so high. I don't really think it's good for the sport, especially as it kinda relegates drivers who 'only' win the title once to 'also ran' status.
I never understood the criticism that Keke Rosberg won the WDC but only won one race in the season, surely that means he a) didn't have a dominant car, and b) was the most consistent?
I never understood the criticism that Keke Rosberg won the WDC but only won one race in the season, surely that means he a) didn't have a dominant car, and b) was the most consistent?
Yes & yes. The field was much more evenly matched in 82, 11 different drivers won and no driver won more than 2 races.
One post to celebrate and to congratulate Mercedes-AMG for winning 8 consecutive F1 Constructors’ World Championships, a new record! 😀 ::psy:: ::psy::

And also to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 👍
People can blame Masi all they want and perhaps rightfully so. But it was within his power as Race Director to make the decision he thought was right - another random act of god (sort of). I get why LH fans are super upset, but Masi alone did not lose Lewis the race, ultimately Mercedes got the tire strategy wrong. Lewis wasn't lucky on that day.

Having been for many years Clerk of the Course, Race Director, Steward, and also working in a FIA Championship, I think I can clarify some doubts about the interpretation of the regulation.

No, Masi had no power to take that decision. Art. 15.3 just gives him power over the -local- Clerk of the Course to decide whether to deploy the SC or not, and also to decide when the SC should enter the pit lane, but he has no power to break the Art. 48.12. He must follow that rule. And Art. 48.13 doesn’t override 48.12 either! That Stewards’ decision to protect their colleague Masi was a farce! Trying to defend the indefensible (Art. 48.12 is very clear), they wrote a poorly sustained decision

Under the rules either they'd be 5 backmarkers between Lewis and Verstappen when they went racing again for one lap, or race would end under Safety Car. So under the rules Mercedes made the correct strategy decision. Where Mercedes got screwed is when Masi broke them. Hard to anticipate the FIA Race Director changing the rules on that last lap! 🤬

It was not a matter of luck but of the FIA Race Director changing the rules on the fly, in a very artificial and unsporting way. Lewis was on more than 40 laps hard tyres while Max was on new soft tyres… Lewis was a sitting duck during that last lap invented by the FIA Race Director, which should never have happened.

Inconsistency surrounding wheel to wheel sporting legislation is entirely different as it’s basically left to the discretion of the Stewards by regulation. Michael Masi inventing new Safety Car rules is a serious case of malpractice.
This isn’t analogous to a poor decision. It’s a decision which isn’t allowed.

From the moment Masi allowed the drivers to unlap themselves on lap 57, the race should have legally ended on lap 58 in a procession behind the Safety Car, with Hamilton first and Verstappen second. Lewis is the legit 2021 Champion under the rules, and for this reason Mercedes made the protest and the appeal. Max did nothing wrong, he just took the gift from Masi, it’s Masi’s fault :whipped:

If we compare it to another sport, we could say that a football referee can decide −more or less correctly− on a foul or an offside, but he can never decide to whistle the end of the match in the 85th minute, even less when a team is about to score the decisive goal into an empty net... This is just as irregular and scandalous as what Michael Masi did in Abu Dhabi with one lap to go.

If there were commercial and television interests, or pressures so that a season as exciting and interesting from the media point of view as this one did not end in a procession of cars after the Safety Car, Michael Masi had two legal options:
Not letting the drivers with a lost lap unlap themselves, or to have shown the red flag when Nicholas Latifi had the accident.

The FIA Race Director does not have the authority to breach Art. 48.12, but to decide whether to use the Safety Car or to show the red flag for such an accident. The red flag would have led to a race with a standing start 3-4 laps in, all drivers would have been able to change tyres, Hamilton would have been in pole and Verstappen second. It would have been a balanced fight between the two candidates, with equal tyres. It would have been a decision within the rules and sportingly fair. However, Michael Masi, of all the options he had, opted for one that was illegal and also sportingly unfair, which adulterated the result. It is a pity to end such a brilliant season in this way.

FIA only had one fair way (for both drivers and fans) to remedy FIA Race Director’s huge mistake (but they weren’t creative enough): awarding two WDC Titles this year, as there were two Golds in Tokyo. Max won the race (because of the FIA mistake), while Lewis is the legit winner under the rules because the race should have ended under Safety Car. Both should have the 2021 WDC Title

Good to see you back sir @Albert-AMG 👍 Merry Christmas! 😀
Thank you sir @kappa_md ! 😀
After the end of the race in Abu Dhabi I spent a lot of time on twitter looking for information and news, and I wanted to have all the information before entering here again… and I also needed a holiday to be able to catch up with so many posts! 😁

Merry Christmas! 👍
Under the rules either they'd be 5 backmarkers between Lewis and Verstappen when they went racing again for one lap, or race would end under Safety Car. So under the rules Mercedes made the correct strategy decision.
But there was another very possible scenario under which their strategy would've been wrong.

What Mercedes did not know was how long it would take to clear the track and green flag the race. If the track was cleared a little sooner, their tire strategy would have handicapped them and the race outcome theoretically would've been the same.

It can also be debated whether the track was safe enough to allow the all the lapped cars through sooner; Horner thought it was and kept asking Masi to let them by. Masi didn't agree. Then it seemed like Masi almost realized he should've let them go through sooner and did what he did, hence all the controversy.

Welcome back Albert! 😀