2020: F1 Discussions

Why make a move like that in a dense pack? A typical Grosjean error, absured. He's dangerous, not just for himself. Had he simply spun off track people would have written it off as typical Grosjean foolishness, not in the least Steiner.

The Stroll/Kvyat incident should have been a racing incident in my book. Kvyat was opportunist but was far enough alongside for Stroll to have to make way. Stroll probably didn't see him but that's also part of experience and feeling the field.
Kyvat went into the plastic pole in the apex of the corner (review the video) That’s a penalty and the marshalls are correct 👍 The 10 seconds stop go was a little light IMHO for Kyvat where as Stroll was outright DNF. Racing Point needed valuable points to stay in contention for the Battle for 3rd but sadly both of them got big 0-0.
If I’m not mistaken Vandoorne is the reserve driver for Mercedes-AMG although no official communication yet 😉
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Vandorne wins the race? Because Bottas will no doubt get a puncture, or lose his wing or something...

Qualifying on the shorter track is going to be fun.
I completely understand how different people see this incident in different perspectives. It’s good to discuss this because there are still ways to improve the situation.

I’d like to think of recent “near death experiences” of F1 drivers due to horrific crash but came out walking afterwards. Thanks to a big leap in safety advancements/technology after Senna’s death that became a catalyst and catapulted to what it is today.
1. Alonso’s air spin in Melbourne 2016 (No Halo)

2. Ericsson’s DRS malfunction crash in Monza 2018 (with Halo)

3. Leclerc & Alonso in Belgium 2018 (with Halo)

Formula 1 is a motor “sport” first and foremost than entertainment. The principles of “sports” like fairplay, adherence to rules etc are and should be inherent. Lives should be paramount more than anything else. No one needlessly die in sports. But these are risks athletes are willing to take. But again, these are also extreme circumstances with speeds more than 300km/h and always trying to defy what is the limit.

F1 was not created for spectators' entertainment, even though it now attracts a huge audience. Just take a walk around Silverstone's "facilities" for proof! F1 is a formalised competition of driving skill and engineering excellence, with strict rules that constantly evolve.

All those photos show one thing. The structured disintegration of a vehicle in a controlled way to optimise the dissipation of energy. They do not show a vehicle failing because it is not strong enough. They could make the cars rigid so as to take no damage, and that would actually kill the driver. As in the event of a crash they would rattle around inside it like a penny in a money box.

Safety at all costs means zero progress in any walk of life. F1 is about winning, not competing. Better safety makes it possible to push the envelope further, with greater confidence. Nobody goes into F1 with the goal of being second best!
Now, now, none of that reactionary talk. You'll make yourself very unpopular with the humous brigade and their cotton wool existence!
Now, now, none of that reactionary talk. You'll make yourself very unpopular with the humous brigade and their cotton wool existence!

I’ll just try to make a single point. “No one needlessly die in sports.”
I agree, but way more people die and are injured riding horses than racing cars. Should that be stopped?
I’m not saying F1 or sports should be stop because someone died from it. I never insinuated any idea like that. My POV is probably taken in a different direction. There will always be accidents and inevitable unforeseen circumstances. But when you start to agree that death is “acceptable” when you talked about sports, then the value of both life & sports becomes even lesser. Probably it all boils down to what “values” one holds that rationalizes arguments. Everything done in the boundaries of safety. And thanks to advancements in F1 safety that they have continuously broken records of the past, all in the boundaries of safety and none should die. Cause at the end of the day, what are we really trying to prove? Isn’t life much more important than records and “defying physics.”?
I'm not saying death is acceptable, but I do think it is acceptable for drivers who are willing to take the risk to drive fast cars. It's always been a huge dilemma this. On the one hand drivers are held up as 'death defying braves' and yet when something goes wrong (and it rarely does these days) people start wringing their hands.

I don't think a motor racing death is 'glorious', at all. I don't think anyone watching the aftermath of Senna's crash in Imola was thinking 'what a hero'. But this is a 'line' sold to us from the distant past when speaking about the 50s and 60s and it's used to 'big up' the very safe 'modern' version of F1.

Nobody is suggesting a return to drivers hanging out of cars without seatbelts, but what more can be done? The cars are already way slower than they could be if kept unchecked, we have the Halo, you can barely see the drivers head anymore, just look at pre-1994 cars to see the difference or look at the early 80s cars where you can see the driver's shoulders. Barriers are safer than ever, run off areas are huge.

What I do question is the placement of that barrier and why it is so close to the track. But then they race at Monaco, so...

And yet again, instead of praising F1 for the fact that RoGro emerged pretty unscathed from a horrific crash, the BBC reports that F1 has soul searching to be done. Why? The guy has some burns to his hands, he could easily have been killed without the Halo and the safety features of these cars. He looked pretty happy in his hospital video...

In fact I would say perhaps the drivers these days are too blase about the risks, they have so much protection I bet this came as a big shock to the younger ones, not so much to Kimi or Lewis who were racing when Jules Bianchi died. But even that was because of extreme conditions, a vehicle being on the circuit and (unfortunately) a driver not slowing down enough.

No death is 'acceptable', but there is always a risk in any sport or indeed any human action.

Personally I would feel much safer driving an F1 car at 200mph than getting on a horse.
Yes I’d agree. Risks are always part of the sport, any sport. I can’t agree on BBC’s view either. I’m just glad that no one was seriously injured more so a death from the driver, or the marshal etc.
What I do question is the placement of that barrier and why it is so close to the track. But then they race at Monaco, so...

And yet again, instead of praising F1 for the fact that RoGro emerged pretty unscathed from a horrific crash, the BBC reports that F1 has soul searching to be done. Why? The guy has some burns to his hands, he could easily have been killed without the Halo and the safety features of these cars. He looked pretty happy in his hospital video...

No death is 'acceptable', but there is always a risk in any sport or indeed any human action.
Shortened quote, I agree with the full post just a couple of comments, meant to be positive.
I agree re barrier placement but Monaco is a special case slower speeds(mostly).

If I was Roman G I wouldn’t just be looking happy in hospital, I’d be bouncing off the walls /ceiling ecstatically.

All sports are dangerous to a degree, one Edinburgh rugby player out with a broken nose, cheekbone and jaw last month, a footballer this weekend a fractured skull. All we can do is minimise risk in the sport chosen although this weekend shows risk assessment is still flawed in some circumstances.
Will he be the only casualty at Mercedes? He must have ill to some degree at the weekend.
Russell is driving Hammys car this weekend! Sucks for Stofel V.
Makes you wonder what is the point of having a reserve driver really...
Will he be the only casualty at Mercedes? He must have ill to some degree at the weekend.

I’m sure sir, there are others who also got COVID+ but without the social media mileage. Praying for a swift recovery for all of them