2022 F1 Discussions

Silverstone was a racing incident, the result of a very aggressive maneuver by Max, which, as on many other occasions, is going to: 'either I pass or we crash'. And that time they collided. Hamilton was not always going to give way to him, specially racing at home. Max played hard in Silverstone and lost. Max also preferred to collide with Hamilton at Monza and park over his head before letting Hamilton deduct a few points from him. Max also did a 2.4G brake test on Hamilton (for which he should have been excluded) and he didn't lose a single point… In any case, they were racing incidents that were resolved in accordance with the rule book. That has nothing to do with the Race Director reinventing a Safety Car procedure.
A ‘racing incident’ of which the stewards said:
“Car 44 [Hamilton] was on a line that did not reach the apex of the corner, with room available to the inside. When car 33 turned into the corner, car 44 did not avoid contact and the left front of car 44 contacted the right rear of car 33.”
Didn’t stop Lewis from winning the race and claiming 25 points. Where’s the fairness in that?
Yes, but the Stewards just gave Hamilton 10s for that, so for sure they considered a racing incident, where Hamilton was slightly more guilty… otherwise the penalty would have been harder. In Monza Max was considered guilty, and penalized with grid positions for next race… but I insist:
they were wheel to wheel racing incidents that were resolved by the Stewards in accordance with the rule book. That has nothing to do with the FIA Race Director reinventing a Safety Car procedure.

Wheel to wheel sporting legislation is entirely different as it’s basically left to the discretion of the Stewards by regulation.
Michael Masi inventing new Safety Car rules is a serious case of malpractice
The same arguments all over again. Max has had it worse with race control all season and lost more points. This fixation on the last race is misplaced.
Masi out? He has an impossible job. Change the decision making structure, not the man.
The season’s best man won, I’m happy with that. The last race’s controversy doesn’t take the shine off Max’ WC, as Hamilton put in in Silverstone.

I don't think Masi has an impossible job.
Every other Race Director in History has done this job without this controversy.
It's pretty clear to see that Masi did the wrong thing.
Bored of this now, we have two camps and never the two will meet, if you’re happy with the outcome put it on the wall, if not, stick it in the bin. Life’s too short for this shit.
Looking at the names, TG ran out of sensible ideas very quickly.
Sure did.

OT: Jusr want to ask our UK friends 😁 which motoring magazine or motorsport/automobile news source is more credible to you? TopGear is well known all over the world thanks to TV plus Clarkson, May & Hammond. Atleast here in Asia, they have different publisher depending on the country but with TopGear branding. In the US, I’ve been following MotorTrend, Car & Driver, Road & Track etc. UK, I follow TG, AutoExpress, AutoCar, EVO etc.
Just want to hear your thoughts and probably others can also chime in 😉
OT: Jusr want to ask our UK friends 😁 which motoring magazine or motorsport/automobile news source is more credible to you? TopGear is well known all over the world thanks to TV plus Clarkson, May & Hammond. Atleast here in Asia, they have different publisher depending on the country but with TopGear branding. In the US, I’ve been following MotorTrend, Car & Driver, Road & Track etc. UK, I follow TG, AutoExpress, AutoCar, EVO etc.
Just want to hear your thoughts and probably others can also chime in 😉
I’m not from UK, but if we talk only of motorsports (not road car testing) in my specialized motoring bookshop in Barcelona, I would say that the two most credible motorsports magazines from UK are MotorSport and Autosport.

I agree with Albert n Kappa there, also in the UK I sometimes pick up the Motoring News, it’s a newspaper but more UK centred.
Top gear is a more ‘entertainment’ ? biased publication I reckon.
Sprint races under threat, money seems to the issue with some teams asking for a higher cap to account for costs involved in 6 races rather than 3 as per 2021, Mmmmm, but no costs for qualifying on those weekends, 5mil for 3 sprints rather than 3 quali sessions. Anybody smell fish.
I wonder what the reaction would have been if Masi had followed the rules correctly and the race had finished under the safety car? Surely it would have been labelled the biggest dud ending to a spectacular season ever! Which is not to say that it would be wrong, this is sport after all not entertainment... but I wonder if that was on their minds?
I wonder what the reaction would have been if Masi had followed the rules correctly and the race had finished under the safety car? Surely it would have been labelled the biggest dud ending to a spectacular season ever! Which is not to say that it would be wrong, this is sport after all not entertainment... but I wonder if that was on their minds?
He could equally have allowed the race to restart with the cars as they were, though. Would have been fun watching Max try to clear them and get behind Lewis at least.