Posts 2,840 Likes 2,527 OttoWilliam ·Aug 4, 2017 I thought i create new thread for this. Is it Aquaracer that was mentioned at the caption with the picture of Heuer 01 ? You decide !
Posts 10,253 Likes 11,533 Hubert ·Aug 4, 2017·TAG Heuer Forums Moderator They have corrected the error
Posts 3,255 Likes 2,317 Mr_Orange ·Aug 4, 2017 Aquagraph Am I the only person in the world not on Instagram? No you are not. I joined. My account got hacked within 5 days, so I dumped it. I'm not missing it.
Posts 6,076 Likes 7,334 imagwai ·Aug 4, 2017 I'm on it, but hardly use it. My feed got flooded with promotional material - some companies post too much I feel and it drowns out other things.
Posts 2,840 Likes 2,527 OttoWilliam ·Aug 4, 2017 Hubert They have corrected the error I screenshooted before the corrected it to immortalized the moment 😁
Posts 2,840 Likes 2,527 OttoWilliam ·Aug 4, 2017 I prefer instagram than facebook. Good media to look for vintage watch pictures too
Posts 1,817 Likes 1,390 elbeik ·Aug 6, 2017 If you follow some key accounts and photographers on instagram, it will reveal quite inspirational. Forget about the selfie-loaded ones. There are also much less fake-news and anything you eat will kill you articles.
Posts 1,817 Likes 1,390 elbeik ·Aug 8, 2017 I suggest we make this thread a bloopers report for all brands we come across.
Posts 2,840 Likes 2,527 OttoWilliam ·Aug 8, 2017 elbeik I suggest we make this thread a bloopers report for all brands we come across. Agreed ! And what a great find !