I am the new guy here, I had to sign up to share some of this frustration. First I am IOS on the phone side with the iPhone Xs max.
Apple watch is terrific with all its bells & whistles and how it work seamless with your phone. But I just like a round watch face.
I bought my Tag Connected 2020 a few months back with a rainbow of colors of bands. Love the look of the watch and the light weight
of the titanium.
So up to about a week ago, I always had to open wear os and have run in the back ground on my phone to keep my watch synced.
Then magically my watch started to sync to my phone with out opening the app and keep it open in the back ground. Well that was short
lived - it is back to needed the app open and running in the back ground to stay synced. Did anyone else have that short lived experience?