Welcome to the Calibre 11 TAG Heuer Forums


I'm still new here, great place for info and lots of helpful / experienced members!

Enjoy the Carrera Calibre 5 👎
Merged Tengil's post to the Welcome thread.
Hey, all. I'm a late career software engineer in the aerospace business, though before that I was a mechanical design engineer and a manufacturing engineer, still all in aerospace. I still look at things and say "how do you get a cutter shaped like that in there?" I've been a WIS for maybe six or seven years when I bought a TAG WAN2110 from a GM dealer at the Tucson Gem and Jewelry show.

I had been a time jerk since I was in my teens, bringing a seriously damaged Elgin pocketwatch I found in a dirt lot back to life. I had to replace the hour and minute hands, crystal, third wheel upper jewel and one pallet jewel back to life. For instance, the pallet jewel wasn't going to arise from the dead, so I crafted one from the hardest material I had on hand, the tang from a file. I broke it off and shaped it down using various stones until it matched the shape of the broken stone (I had both pieces).

For the crystal, I took a piece of 1/4 thick acrylic and sanded it until it looked like a crystal. It was a keeper until halfway though my freshman year when it was stolen from a locker. But the thief didn't get too much, I had no idea of lubricant at the time; thought a watch just ran on it's own happy merits.

I was fat, dumb and happy for much of my adult life. At some point, my FIL passed and my MIL gifted my son a Rado he owned. She then took it back (yes, she was a real work of art, RIP) only to gift it to another grandson.

Sometime later , my wife called me up and said that she'd found a watch that was a really good deal and could we buy it to make up for the lost Rado. I approved but only later found out I was approving on a $1000 watch. WTF!

A few years later, I was at the same venue with my wife (approving another $1200 purchase for my son) and said, Fsck, if we can afford to spend that much on a watch for a teenager, it's time for me to buy a watch. Since the vendor in question had a bunch of WAN2110's for sale at $1250, that became my pigeon and that's what I walked away with.

That was a gateway watch, or at least it opened me up to buying more than one watch. The next year, I bought a Tissot Seastar with the Powermatic 80 movement for less than $500 (damn, a new diver for so little) but then at the same show I bought my TAG WAK2180 you've seen on other threads.

Now being a full blown WIS, I've bought a couple of Omegas (Speedmaster '57, SMPO), a Brietling diver, a couple cheap Tissots, a Milgauss and a stable of four TAGs. I've also purchased my wife several TAGs. The nicest is a WAY1390 Aquaracer in all ceramic to wear on dive trips.

Oh, yes, we are avid divers and try to go on several trips a year. Our last trip was to Raja Ampat (first time) and it's everything it's cracked up to be. I'll slowly dribble snaps and vids of the trips when I can.

Here's a shot of the SMPO in it's working enviroment:

Here's a shot of a Manta Ray from Raja:

Got lots more where that came from.

Good times!
Welcome, thanks for sharing your story.
A few more pics:

Our daughter is a PhD candidate at Purdue, her field of research is aerosols in a hyper-sonic environment:

Here's myself, my wife, daughter and our favorite dive-master in New Guinea (I'm the ugly one):

Here's our little butt-sniffer, Momo, at Pebble Beach:

Another Pebble Beach shot:

A dive crew at depth (Palau):

The Monkey King on my shoudler
Sunset in Palau
Sorry, I've lost control of this particluar post, the following pictures are not editable!
A few more awesome dive shots.
A Spotted Eagle Ray in Komodo (TAG WAN2110):

This is in Niihau, Hawaii and it's called "The TV":

Here we are, celebrating our 24th (WAN2110 on the wrist)!
Some other interesting shots.
A Monk seal, very endangered and the fuking Hawaiians shoot them with guns because the seals steal the netted catch. Go Figure:

A site called Vertical Awareness, 300 feet of cliff and we could see to the bottom.

Looking straight up from eighty feet:
Boy, whatever infrastructure they are using, it's frustrating as hell. Pictures get posted multiple times and captions have nothing to do with the pictures. I'm actually starting to miss verticalscope (software developers, that's a huge warning, kind of like saying "I miss the thought of my nose in your butt"). Edit: Yeah, that was a little harsh. Apologies.

We also have a son and DIL. Here's a shot of our daughter, son and DIL:

He does digital signal processing at Lawrence Livermore. DIL is a primary school teacher. She shapes minds in the appropriate direction. She's extremely frustrated by the lockdown and says that if they double class sizes afterward, it'll basically be baby-sitting. There's no way anyone learns at that level.
(Mods, it would sure be nice if this didn't get buried in the Welcome thread so others see it. But, it is clearly your website so your opinions rule. I'm just thankful that I can comment).
Welcome to the forums.

We all saw your introduction in the main welcome thread. One of the nice things about this forum is that it's well kept and organised, and there aren't hundreds of new threads to read every day, so things can easily be found. 😀
Welcome- no worries, happy to leave it here for a couple of days and then we can move in into the Welcome thread.

Sounds like you’re handy on the tools, which places you firmly ahead of me!
Welcome to Calibre11 sir! 👍
HOME of TAG Heuer / Heuer fanatics 😁
Boy, whatever infrastructure they are using, it's frustrating as hell. Pictures get posted multiple times and captions have nothing to do with the pictures. I'm actually starting to miss verticalscope (software developers, that's a huge warning, kind of like saying "I miss the thought of my nose in your butt").

We also have a son and DIL. Here's a shot of our daughter, son and DIL:

He does digital signal processing at Lawrence Livermore. DIL is a primary school teacher. She shapes minds in the appropriate direction. She's extremely frustrated by the lockdown and says that if they double class sizes afterward, it'll basically be baby-sitting. There's no way anyone learns at that level.
You take sharing to whole other level👍
Hi and welcome, a thorough introduction, nice piccies. Enjoy the forum.
ExpiredWatchdog - a pleasure and already a beneficiary of your interest and passion. Appreciate your input and we look forward to more, especially when it comes to explaining mechanical function to cavemen.

Best to you my friend and an early thanks
A fellow newbie.
You can just delete this thread. I'll add the Manta Ray vid to the welcome thread. Sorry about the rash comment, but it was very frustrating not to be able to edit the order my pictures appear in.
Merged all the posts back to the Welcome thread per your request.
You take sharing to whole other level👍

Yeah, I found from first impressions that you are a pretty chill group; focused on various TAG models. The number of active posters influenced my openness, the fact that the community's small.

I would never have posted anything like that on WUS or OF: I have posted pictures of myself and my wife (typically diving) on both but have never included the dog(s) or kids. While I'm quite proud of both of them, the are making their mark on society independent of me and that's a good thing. I don't want to bring anything heavy down on either child.

Gotta say, all our dogs have had strong personalities, but Momo (it means Peach in Japanese; my wife is full Japanese, though third generation) is a serious butthead. I can see where Walt Disney got the idea for "Goofey", I've called Momo that far more than his real name.

So, I don't have anything more to experience other than a bunch of old watches and a bunch of new watches. My pictures are a hodge-podge of those located at work and those here. I'll try to get each one posted.