·I'm just glad Zenith stole that vibrating movement off TAG, good that it stopped working on their watch.
I missed that.
Having seen the 54 in person, I would 100% choose that over the standard OG BB58 now. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it was honestly amazing. I preferred the non-gilt bezel without the red, I preferred the slimmer case and overall look and it has a better bracelet.
(But no, I won't be selling my blue 58 to get it!)
Agreed. Having tried it on, it's something special. If I was buying today, I'd buy the 54 not the 58, but I don't see it selling well because everyone already has a 58 and so far most people have said they would stick with the 58 rather than sell and upgrade.
I didn't mean to be the spit in anyone's face, my point in my comment above was just that the 58 clearly is a nicer looking watch.
Suspect ya'll might be right about 58 owners wont sell to replace with the 54.
Spit away, we're all friends here!
I was surprised how much I fell in love with the 54. Go try one on and report back (Jim, obviously @Aquagraph will hate it because it's too small, too vintage and not a f1)
Too small, yes. Too vintage, definitely. But not an F1..... that's a cheap shot and entirely wide of the mark.
You like old small watches other than the original F1s?
It definitely feels like the bb54 beats the bb58 at being old, small and vintage feeling... My feelings on the 58 shouldn't be a surprise to anyone now, but after having a 'what's the point' reaction to the bb54 photos, when I tried it on, it felt very special.
Yeah yeah I guess I will try one on. But looking at your photo, yes it is a nice piece but the missing red triangle is something I cant unsee