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TAG Heuer Carrera Calibre 1887 "First Edition"

  1. mclarenvst

    mclarenvst Jul 27, 2022

    Hi there!

    I'm going to introduce myself a little bit: my name is Victor and I'm from Barcelona, Spain. I don't really know how to begin this thread, but I'm here to share and get as much information I can about my last purchase.

    As you can read in the title, I've bought what it looks to be the first edition of the TAG Heuer Carrera reference CAR2110, the one with the calibre 1887.

    Captura de pantalla 2022-07-27 a les 11.11.28.png

    As you would probably know, there were three "versions" of that reference: the first one with the tachymetre on the bezel, the second one without the tachymetre, and the final edition with the tachymetre inside the dial.

    So well, the one that I've acquired is the first one, in black.

    23998589-oo7f60x3fzzojra1xcvii0bq-ExtraLarge 2.jpg

    The story is that I was looking for a TAG Heuer Carrera because a few months ago I sold my Carrera Calibre 16 reference CV2010, and I miss it so much. That Carrera had been always my favourite watch ever, and I absolutely regretted that trade, so I wanted to get a "new" one. It was during the search that I thought "why not to get a different reference with the same look?". This is how I ended looking for the Calibre 1887. I remembered all the history about this calibre, the patent of Seiko and all the stuff, but I've always believed that it was a very good movement, and I totally understood the policy of TAG Heuer regarding the 1887. In my opinion, what they did was totally legitimate, and the 1887 matches the definition of what it is a manufacture/in-house movement.

    Leaving the topic of the 1887, I started my search for the CAR2110. This was my choice, but I still was not very sure if I preferred the version 2 or the version 3...(the one with the tachymetre in the dial, or without it?). This was the doubt, because I had understood that the first edition was only a first prototype that TAG Heuer showed in the Baselworld 2010, but it was never made into production. These were my beliefs... until I saw it in Chrono24.

    So I began to search more information about it. I remembered the different posts about this reference in I followed the news about the Calibre 1887 back then in 2010, and I read all the articles that David wrote in, but unfortunately the website is not available anymore.

    Luckily, I thought that it could be the possibility to read again these articles with the help of, where you can see how old websites were in the past, or how it was a web that is not longer online. It worked.

    So I read the interview that David did to Jean-Christophe Babin again, and my thoughts were confirmed:

    More or less, I remembered it right, although I couldn't remember the exact details. I searched for more information in different forums and websites, in order to contrast these facts, but nowhere I found it as detailed as it was in

    So based on that information, the first version of the TAG Heuer Carrera Calibre 1887 with the tachymetre on the bezel was showed in the Baselworld in March of 2010, but it never made into production. The second version without the tachymetre and little aesthetic modifications in the dial started production two months later, in May, and it had a limited release, as it was available only in certain countries. And the third version, with the tachymetre and more significant aesthetic changes inside the dial, made into production in October of the same year. This was, of course, the final version.

    Knowing all this information, I considered that the watch was, in fact, rare. Rare enough to take the risk to get it. So I did a few more checks on the watch and the seller, and I finally decided to go for it. And here I am.

    Does any of you know more info about it? Is it possible that during those two months between version 1 and 2 of the watch, TAG Heuer managed to sell some models even though it never went into production?

    PS: Sorry for the long thread, it wasn't my intention to do it as long. But if you've made it this far, thanks for reading and I hope you've enjoyed my little story on the watch in question. And excuse my English! I know it's not very good and for sure I have made quite a few mistakes. I sincerely apologize for it!

    PPS: I miss
  2. imagwai

    imagwai Jul 27, 2022

    That bezel actually looks really good with the black dial. I'd not seen it before. I can't really help, but what did the seller say about the watch and where it came from? Strange he has one if it never made it into production?
  3. mclarenvst

    mclarenvst Jul 27, 2022

    The photos don't do it justice! It looks much prettier in person :)

    I bought it in a boutique that is specialised in rare watches, as they advertise themselves. This was important when buying it, because it gave me the tranquility that it was authentic, since I was a little afraid that it could be a replica. I don't know the origin, I guess that probably TAG Heuer sold a few of them during these 2 months... Or maybe it was a display model that some boutique owned and sold.

    This is what I would like to know, if someone has the same model, or if someone knows if TAG Heuer even sold this same model before they started to produce the version 2. I don't remember if it happened in other watches from TAG Heuer or from another brand, but I remember reading a case like this one in the past, where some display models were sold and they were a little bit different than the final version.
  4. mclarenvst

    mclarenvst Nov 26, 2022

    OK! I have some news to share in this thread.

    Last month the watch stopped working when I was wearing it on my wrist. So I looked for an oficial TAG Heuer service centre near me, I took it there and left it for repair.

    Yesterday I got the call that I was waiting for, but with some good and bad news: the watch is a prototype (and therefore quite unique), but the caliber looks to be an experimental movement too, and they said there are no replacement parts that can fit it.

    So now I have a bittersweet feeling. I’m happy to have such a special watch, but disappointed because I have been told that it cannot be repaired.

    The watch problem seems to be about the power reserve. As I wind it, the watch runs. And if I shake it a little bit, it works too, but it ends up stopping after a few seconds. In fact, if I shake it and leave it on the table, I have seen that it can run for hours, but when I pick it up and change its position it stops again.

    Can anyone give me some advice on this in order to find a solution?
  5. Yago

    Yago Nov 26, 2022

    Probably better off taking it to a good watchmaker that’s experienced and comfortable with chronographs.
  6. VirgileF

    VirgileF Nov 26, 2022

    Maybe you have to buy a complete Calibre 1887 movement for this watch ;)
  7. Hubert

    Hubert TAG Heuer Forums Moderator Staff Member Nov 26, 2022

    ^ What @VirgileF said!
    VirgileF likes this.
  8. paysdoufs

    paysdoufs Nov 27, 2022

    I’m with Yago on this one:

    I’d give it a shot with a really GOOD independent watchmaker. From my experience, your description of what triggers the problems could already give them some ideas…
    Edited Dec 9, 2022
  9. mclarenvst

    mclarenvst Nov 28, 2022

    Thanks a lot for your replies! I will look for a good watchmaker in order to see if he can solve the problem, and if not, I will search a complete movement.

    I am also thinking of trying to contact someone from within TAG Heuer to see if they can help me... It really seems surprising to me that the technical service has been told that they cannot do anything. Don't you think it's strange that the brand itself says that?
  10. VirgileF

    VirgileF Nov 28, 2022

    No, I'm not surprised. This model is officially a prototype and was not intended to be sold or serviced.

    My advice is to buy a complete 1887 movement and to have it assembled and adjusted by an independent watchmaker.
    mclarenvst likes this.
  11. Aquagraph

    Aquagraph Nov 28, 2022

    Bit weird that it had 'limited release' if it was unserviceable? I would not be chuffed about that.
    mclarenvst likes this.
  12. RushDom

    RushDom Nov 28, 2022

    Good luck with your quest. I wonder what the differences in your movement are versus production? Surely there can’t be that many within the architecture itself? Maybe this has more to do with them not wanting to issue any service warranty against a pre-production piece that was manufactured to different standards?

    Regardless, your watch is an absolutely fantastic looking piece. Love the thin tachy bezel, looks very elegant!
    VirgileF and HoltzPlatz like this.
  13. Aquagraph

    Aquagraph Nov 28, 2022

    Makes you wonder where it was sold really.
  14. mclarenvst

    mclarenvst Nov 30, 2022

    This is also what I wonder… I don't really think there could be that much difference between this and the final caliber... So I agree with you, it must be more a matter of not wanting to repair or give a guarantee to something that was not officially marketed. :(
    VirgileF likes this.
  15. mclarenvst

    mclarenvst Nov 30, 2022

    Yes! They told me that someone of inside was probably able to sell it on his own. At least It doesn't show up as stolen, which was my biggest concern. I guess they would have claimed it if so, of course.
    VirgileF likes this.
  16. mclarenvst

    mclarenvst Nov 30, 2022

    Of course! I mean this, I’m surprised that they are not able to match the pieces of the 1887 movement to this one… I don't think it will change that much, but obviously I don't know! I have to believe what they tell me! hahah
  17. mclarenvst

    mclarenvst Nov 30, 2022

    I'm going to share more photos (taken by the seller, because they are very well done). Like I said, the photos don't do it justice! 95309AA8-56C3-4C42-A772-FE20C37A791E.jpeg 8BE77002-5F73-436F-8427-5A55CC063506.jpeg 9F6C4440-9593-46AF-A046-F16BB4FC9F18.jpeg 5DA15D1F-A86E-4C8F-AFD2-2AE28FCAD1DE.jpeg A36DCE0A-D823-4905-8853-48B48E3F5009.jpeg 83EFFF90-03B6-492E-8F8B-F73726C9B600.jpeg 91E987B1-FE0B-4751-BF86-60A0587BEFCF.jpeg 7FB1389A-0E90-4BB2-B6E8-ACCDEBFF72D5.jpeg 1E26D8DF-7A8F-4E0C-8FCD-B67FFD4585BE.jpeg D972EADD-8B27-455F-BBD0-1E54EEFEE081.jpeg