Spring bar tool - leather

Hello guys!

I would like to ask for recommendation for spring bar tools. I own lovely Monaco on leather strap and i think of how to remove it "scratch free" as complete beginner. I understand scratches will come some day anyway, but i dont want to help it.

So far i was reading about these:

1. Bergeon 6767 F or S
- Cheaper but more difficult to use in comperison to tweezers?

2. Bergeon 7825 Tweezers
- Very pricy! But is it worth it? Was reading about problems with spring bars ins pecific watches and beeing made mostly for rolex types.

3. Horofix Spring Bar Tweezers

- Pretty much same tool as 7825 but for half of the price. Any experience?

But recommend anything possible! 😀 Mostly leather straps, basicaly want it just for removing so i can clean the watch case with no damage to leather.

There are also recommendation for specific tapes to cover lugs, is helpful and really used? What kind of tape?

Thanks! 😀
For a leather strap on a Monaco (= easily accessible lugs) the basic Bergeron tool will be perfectly fine - presumable in the standard (S ?) fork size (believe F/fine is mainly for Rolex ?).

Any Scotch tape (clear or of the “electrician” variety) will do the job.