This is awesome, great to see this sold so cheap the day after I got mine 🤦
Well well, it was well worth the list price 😁
Shown on the site as click bait maybe? Never any actually in stock at that price? Not that I ever stooped to those methods.
No such thing with any watch produced in these numbers really, with very few exceptions.
What does a Silverstone re-issue go for these days? They made 1860 of those as well...
I still think the CBK221B will be a watch that in ten years time people will be searching for and if people really love it as much as they appear to then they won't be selling them, ergo that creates a shortage of available pieces. Or is that just optimism beyond realism?
Yes, could be a factor. But even Abrod520 hailed the CBK221B with mighty praise. If this really is 'da bomb' Carrera and TH's greatest watch in, like e-ver..... well, surely that bodes well for its future value?