·Do we think TAG will make some smaller (30mm, 28mm) quartz models for ladies because 36mm is quite big for a ladies watch... also, with the F1 range discontinued TH aren't offering much for ladies at the moment!
The blue and black 40 will be automatics. Or have you gotten some news I have missed?
If they didn't have dates, they'd have a phantom position on the crown and you wouldn't like that either...
Yes I hope it will be light summery blue and not as dark as the renders
Well if it's the same blue as the 43mm you'll be disappointed. It's the most inoffensive possible shade of blue. And by that I mean it's a bit dull.
I can see people from outside the UK wondering what is up with his accent.... he's from the North, my Grandpa talked like that too.
When are they to be expected?