·Thanks for the pics @stevec14, I see what you mean by the thickness. Still looks good to me though.
I certainly agree with you about the prices these days. It's made me rethink hard about how I want to approach this hobby. Or whether it's time to find a new hobby altogether.
I love the Tudor Velcro strap on mine, but am also looking at the Erika’s which Steve just so happened to have to show pics of. Torn on colour combo too though.
As to the hobby thing, I very nearly did the same in the past year, as I was slowly being drawn to watches or increasing price. Whilst I am careful with my money, so have enough aside to buy one or two of them, I know for sure that I would hate myself for spending £8k+. That’s just the way I am wired and no reflection on anyone else.
I though it best just to move on, as more reasonable pieces may not cut it in comparison to me Seamaster for example. So I did a little experiment and bought that Hamilton PSR, which I have been looking at for about 2 years, but had never seen in real life. As soon as I opened the box I knew it was epic! Best £525 I have spent, with discount I found.
The point being that it’s buying the right pieces and not the price that matters. I feel the same about the FXD. Will certainly be sticking in this price bracket, whilst admiring everyone else’s more expensive purchases on here. Win win for me. 😉