No Serial, unknown Tag Heuer Watch

Hi There, So i had this watch given to my by my grandfather anywhere from 5 to 7 years ago, iv worn it a bunch and have loved it. The Glow in the dark hands are super bright even still. I had someone a few days ago ask what series it was from and i realized i knew nothing about the watch. After hours and hours of online research and reading hundreds of forums, i still cant find this exact watch. I have found a few similar ( a few in the acuaracer series) but the main difference in mine is that the tag heuer logo is colored and it also has the clear back that lets you see inside. That is where i assumed the serial number would be but its not on it. Can anyone tell me any information on my watch? I may try and sell it but would like to be assured that its real.
Thats what i was assuming. Is there any value in a replica in this used of a condition?
No value in it I'm afraid and not even sure it would be legal to sell it. Key tells on this being are fake, are the fact it says "Monaco" on the bracelet and it looks nothing like a Monaco model, and the Link-style bracelet, which should have split links - yours are joined together. Oh, and the fact it doesn't match any actual Tag Heuer model.