That model is known to be faked, I wouldn't buy one unless it was brand new personally.
I understand. I found it at a decent price. The seller bought it from the original owner who purchased it from Jared Galleria. It will come with the original Ebay authentication and the seller is sending to to Ebay authentication as well. So will have 2 suthentications as long as it all goes well. Will also come with receipt, warranty card stamped with Jared on it. We shall see
Do you trust eBay to authenticate a watch like that?
I understand. I found it at a decent price. The seller bought it from the original owner who purchased it from Jared Galleria. It will come with the original Ebay authentication and the seller is sending to to Ebay authentication as well. So will have 2 suthentications as long as it all goes well. Will also come with receipt, warranty card stamped with Jared on it. We shall see
No. Regardless i would still bring it in to get checked and yes even fakes can fool an AD.
For sure an AD can't do a metallurgy test for a start...
For sure an AD can't do a metallurgy test for a start...
among other things. Look at all the ways WE have figured out how to tell what is fake. The AD needs to have the same experience that we do, or have the exact same model around to check. I'm not even that good with formula ones. Some of the people on here are more capable than I am with those.
B Beau05Interested in this from an independent dealer for £1750. There’s a few scuffs on the edge of the sapphire. Thoughts on quality and price?
Hello there, I was recently gifted this "Tag Heuer Calibre 16" and I was wondering if this is authentic or not. I'm thinking it's a fake, but I wanted to see what others think. Either way I didn't pay for it so it's not a loss in any way.
Not authentic. The subdials are all wrong.
Not authentic. The subdials are all wrong.