Monday Lock-down Monaco.....
If that's a loudspeaker, you better not put an automatic watch on it, or you can magnetize the watch 😲
FAK..... i guess quarantine is going to the brain.... it is a pc speaker/microphone....... and wasn't on (not that it matters) and was just for the picture..... i guess i am my own village idiot today.....
Day 21. No rugby, I went to bed earlier and lay on the wife's side just to hear someone shout "Roll Away" she also threatened me with a red card!
I'm not even sure what day it is...but I decided to swap the straps on my Monzas- black/ black and the tan strap with the silver dial for something different
Now that is funny!! Although I don’t think any of our American members would have got that Joke. 🙄
You should think seriously about doing stand up my friend.
Where in the world are you Pitfitter446.
21 days of isolation and a Rugby fan??? Somwhere in the UK I am guessing?
Afternoon, well it is here, we stay in Dunfermline, *10 miles north of Murrayfield stadium! If we walk to the top of the road we can see the three bridges over the River Forth, as a family we’re all season ticket holders for Scotland and Edinburgh rugby, I’m always designated driver though. The season is done I think but the Pro 14 final may be decided but the two pool leaders so Edinburgh will play Leinster, we are due to play the All Blacks in the autumn tests but that may only be a dream now, but still living in hope.
If this continues you may see more of my efforts at humour, no don’t run away, it’s only a threat not a promise.
Stay safe during this time, it may be a long tunnel but there will be light at the end.
* google maps are your friend.