Connected Custom Watchfaces / Which Watch Face are Wearing Today?


Bro...about 200 pages ago you stated you were starting a new business and would stop spam posting multiple times a day. I think you were also encouraged to post more tag specific stuff. It was nice when you started slowing down and posting more tag specific instead of whimsical faces of what looks like grandma's plate on a wall or 20 variants of the same dragon. I have no authority here, but please, is there anyway you can take it back a notch, focus more on tag stuff and have some self control over how often you post? There are other forums for the fantasy, superhero and wimsy faces that I'm sure you can run wild. Not upset at your work, more surprised that you agreed publicly and reverted back to your precommitment days.
Bro...about 200 pages ago you stated you were starting a new business and would stop spam posting multiple times a day. I think you were also encouraged to post more tag specific stuff. It was nice when you started slowing down and posting more tag specific instead of whimsical faces of what looks like grandma's plate on a wall or 20 variants of the same dragon. I have no authority here, but please, is there anyway you can take it back a notch, focus more on tag stuff and have some self control over how often you post? There are other forums for the fantasy, superhero and wimsy faces that I'm sure you can run wild. Not upset at your work, more surprised that you agreed publicly and reverted back to your precommitment days.
These watches that I release are awesome creativity on my part, and I have never seen you release a watch for others to enjoy and look at, so I would chill out if I was you... Grandma's plate on a wall is frickn hilarious, lol
These watches that I release are awesome creativity on my part, and I have never seen you release a watch for others to enjoy and look at, so I would chill out if I was you... Grandma's plate on a wall is frickn hilarious, lol
I appreciate that you and 581 others enjoy your work. I'm asking as you have been asked before if you can slow it down a notch.
I appreciate that you and 581 others enjoy your work. I'm asking as you have been asked before if you can slow it down a notch.
And please explain what is bothering you? I am not bothered by anything, just creating cool watches, all different kinds, so people will be able to enjoy something that I release...Its all about being creative and having a very enjoyable time creating these cool watches!
And please explain what is bothering you? I am not bothered by anything, just creating cool watches, all different kinds, so people will be able to enjoy something that I release...Its all about being creative and having a very enjoyable time creating these cool watches!

Posting tag faces for our tag watches is awesome.
Posting non tag faces multiple times a day is what others have called to your attention before as "spamming the forums". Again, I have no authority here and I am not asking you to curb your creativity. Just to consider that this is a tag forum that has constantly warned others not to post non-tag brands here and that there are other forums where the creative non-tag faces would be very appreciated.
Posting tag faces for our tag watches is awesome.
Posting non tag faces multiple times a day is what others have called to your attention before as "spamming the forums". Again, I have no authority here and I am not asking you to curb your creativity. Just to consider that this is a tag forum that has constantly warned others not to post non-tag brands here and that there are other forums where the creative non-tag faces would be very appreciated.
No problem, I will run it down a bit, don't like to create non friends in here anyway! Cheers...
No problem, I will run it down a bit, don't like to create non friends in here anyway! Cheers...
Appreciated and thanks for understanding
A ata
The link does not work

Try the links with https. I tested the first one and it works.