·Did the factory reset... <sigh> reinstalled and reconfigured everything and all appears to be working properly. PITA.
I had the Strava issue before the update (since Nov last year), and have logged a ticket with Strava about it. Had an update yesterday that they're still working on it.
My BT connection is dropped constantly after this update, plus even when connected I can't access advanced settings in Wear... My user experience is going downhill...
Google has announced it. The new name will arrive in the phone app and some watches within the next few weeks. There should be new features and improvements coming to Wear OS in the coming weeks.
apple or android phone?
It’s Apple all other notifications working perfectly
All three of those notification settings might not be required btw. After you get it working, feel free to play around with the combinations and let me know if they can be narrowed down!
All three of those notification settings might not be required btw. After you get it working, feel free to play around with the combinations and let me know if they can be narrowed down!