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  1. RushDom

    RushDom Feb 3, 2023

    @McBeardy, keep it for six months and then see how you feel. You’ve managed to bag an icon at a (now) amazing price, and you’ll probably never get that chance again unless you buy it used. It took me a couple of tries to get the bracelet sizing correct on my Speedy, but it’s spot on now, for what it’s worth.

    Worst case scenario you decide you absolutely hate the Speedmaster in six months and have to sell it for a loss or part exchange it for something else. YOLO and all that…
  2. Mspeedster

    Mspeedster Feb 3, 2023

    I don't know what to say @McBeardy, you've been pondering over the Speedy & Monaco for years. Could it be that you over analyzed them to the point where neither could live up to your expectations? Or was it a case of buying with your head (knowing Omega's price hike was coming), rather than with your heart?
  3. Aquagraph

    Aquagraph Feb 3, 2023

    I sort of thought the same thing to be honest...
  4. McBeardy

    McBeardy Feb 3, 2023

    Maybe, but deep down I know 'it's only a watch'. Think as I'm not a flipper, or have the disposable income for lot's of purchases, and having the watch for an occasion, I don't want to make the wrong decision.

    I was the same when I was debating the BB58, that took a year from ordering when my daughter was born, yet I felt the 'sparks' as it were when I purchased it a bought it home to wear. Some things do annoy me, but no watch is perfect (unless a 2 liner 14060m Sub).

    The pro's of the Speedy won over the Monaco & yes the impeding price increase probably did sway it (current RRP even with 15% discount I wouldn't purchase). & I'm certain I'd have some issues with the Monaco (well I think anyway).

    Goldsmiths confirmed I can bring it back, just popped it on 30mins ago & the issues are swaying, it is good looking hmmmm.

    Maybe I'm being over critical in thinking the dial is too big (small bezel), but also I know the white hands are iconic and there for legibility - but partially look 'cheap'.


    Compared to (the obvious)

  5. Mspeedster

    Mspeedster Feb 3, 2023

    If you've got 30 days to return, carefully wear it a bit more and then decide. But you can't get even a tiny scratch or nick on it, otherwise it won't be returnable.
  6. Aquagraph

    Aquagraph Feb 3, 2023

    Goldsmiths confirmed I can bring it back, just popped it on 30mins ago & the issues are swaying, it is good looking hmmmm.

    I dunno, if you have doubts, I would say better not to risk it.
  7. imagwai

    imagwai Feb 3, 2023

    Do you want to buy brand new? If not essential then take a look at the FOIS Speedmaster. Might address some of the issues you mention.
  8. McBeardy

    McBeardy Feb 3, 2023

    Ha guess that would make my mind up.

    But thanks I am being extra carefull
  9. McBeardy

    McBeardy Feb 3, 2023

    For this occasion yes, also FOIS has the straight lugs (I prefer the lyre type)
  10. McBeardy

    McBeardy Feb 3, 2023

    Really are the monkey on my shoulder :unsure:
  11. Aquagraph

    Aquagraph Feb 3, 2023

    Sorry, but I've bought things in the past and then thought 'It'll be okay...' sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. But this is a lot of money to end up feeling like it's not really what you wanted.
    Mspeedster and McBeardy like this.
  12. Mspeedster

    Mspeedster Feb 3, 2023

    Well said. If it's not right to begin with, it seldom changes with time (at least in my own experience).

    It's more often the other way around. I might love something in the beginning, but then the little flaws start to bug me more and more with time.
  13. Pitfitter446

    Pitfitter446 Feb 3, 2023

    I sold cars for many years:thumbsdown:, if the customer wasn’t bouncing off the walls with ‘want, want,’ I’d suggest going away for coffee and a ponder, whilst once or twice we did take a car back but there was a fee. Act in haste, repent at leisure.
    Still it did once work in my benefit, the guy who ordered my Monaco hadn’t tried one on and when it arrived he hated it, so I got it at a great price, normal discount plus his deposit off retail to me.::love::
    McBeardy likes this.
  14. stevec14

    stevec14 Feb 3, 2023

    I think it’s fairly clear a speedy isn’t for you - and that’s cool + it’s good they’ll let you return it.

    fwiw - I’ve been through many speedmasters and the OG never did it for me either really. Just one of those things.

    I’d have it back tomorrow if I were you and then have a think. you ain’t the first to have an about turn and you won’t be the last so don’t beat yourself up. Ultimately 6 grand is a lot to have piled into something you aren’t 100% in to.

    have you still got an option on a cheapish Monaco?
    Pitfitter446 and Aquagraph like this.
  15. McBeardy

    McBeardy Feb 8, 2023

    My new conundrum continues, not been able to make it back to the AD yet (going this Friday) SA OK with me returning, but he's now off until Friday & I need to check if he can honour the original price match this thread was made about.

    Over the weekend, was in Lakeside and popped into Tag Heuer (which is WoS & not a boutique). Wanted to recheck the WoS Ltd Ed Carrera Panda, SA remembered me before Christmas (I also had an email regarding the 60th Carrera from them to view but now sold out).

    Anyways as I posted here - I'm very smitten by this and now torn between the Monaco and this (I know).

    I did discuss by email once home, if Tag Heuer Lakeside can price match the Monaco from Goldmiths Bluewater (all the same co) and I'll pick up the Carrera now, pay a 20% deposit or more on the Monaco & finalise the payment in June for my birthday & treat myself to an early 40th (the following year) cheeky I know. But worth a punt. SA mentioned no, only can offer 5% & surprised Bluewater could & did.

    However she can offer me the bracelet free of charge if I purchased the Carrera on the strap, (£100 difference on the models but they only had the strap in store - which I prefer, but bracelet and good mix) think the bracelet retails at £300+.

    Guess I need to work out:

    1) if the Monaco still available at that price,
    2) Which watch is less likely to be available in the future - Monaco at that price or Carrera sold out. (Odd they've still not sold out yet).

    Guess if 1 a no, my options are slim!

    Choices choices again


    Apologies for repeating myself again!
    But least I know the Speedy is a no
  16. Jim Dollares

    Jim Dollares Feb 8, 2023

    @McBeardy it sounds like the Monaco is the one you actually want. Dont let discount be the deciding factor and end up feeling regret in your heart in the future.

    If price is such an issue, cant you get the Monaco from a reputable grey market dealer? I see the biggest Nordic grey market dealer has it in stock for 17% off retail so shouldn't be too hard to find.
  17. Aquagraph

    Aquagraph Feb 8, 2023

    So, questions... you say you are smitten with the Panda, but it is just infatuation? Are you gonna buy the Panda and forever regret not buying the watch you've wanted all this time? On the other hand, you chose the Speedmaster over the Monaco, so there must have been a reason for that? Was it that you think the Monaco is too out there maybe? Do you keep kicking it down the road to avoid making a painful decision? Jim is right, saving a few quid is nice but it won't make up for buying the wrong watch.
  18. imagwai

    imagwai Feb 8, 2023

    I kind of agree, the Monaco is the timeless classic and sounds like it's the ultimate grail. I'd focus on one watch at a time, and prioritise according to what your heart most desires. The money you spend is easily forgotten later. :)
  19. Mspeedster

    Mspeedster Feb 8, 2023

    Not an easy decision @McBeardy, on the one hand the Monaco might be your ultimate goal. OTOH, who knows how much longer the WOS will be available to buy new, given its LE numbers. So I like your plan of buying both! :thumbsup:
    But if that's not really an option, buy what the heart really wants.
  20. McBeardy

    McBeardy Feb 10, 2023

    So a prequel update to this saga.

    Speedy returned today. Looked at the Monaco that was put by original. Asked if the 25% price match still valid, this was a no January only.

    Asked best price, they said find another discount.

    Quick look online - managed 10% from the AD that originally quoted the Speedy at 15%.
    Then found 15% off from SwissWatchesDirect. SA putting this forward to his manager to see if the can match (this time I’m not putting much faith in it).

    Oh well my fault for ‘dilly dalling’ as my daughter would say or ‘biscuits’ for those that no Bluey!

    Taking with the other half, decided if they match the 15% I’ll go for it. If they don’t I’ll get the Carrera from the other store which effectively giving me 7% (price of the bracelet).

    I love the Monaco (but not at its current £6,100 RRP) & the Carrera overall a better watch (where have I said that before) & I’d be very happy to own (& I like more than the Speedy).

    Role on for the sequel update next week
    Pitfitter446 and imagwai like this.