·It doesn't help when TH have models on other countries websites but not ours. Is the green ladies Aquaracer released or not? It is on the US website but not the UK website...
To avoid breaking any embargos, no public posts with picture(s) of unreleased models are allowed. If they are posted, moderators pull them down.
Throughout the years, the forum has had an unwritten rule to not publicly allow descriptions of unreleased models. This unwritten rule was largely enforced during the days when the forum was sponsored by TAG Heuer.
Today, following precedent and as a general courtesy to the brand, most members still follow it (to a degree), while others are much more open. In the end, I presume most members would disapprove of adding restrictions to the discussions.
Oh and I'm not being funny, but sometimes these renders are not STOLEN as Jeff puts it. Sometimes they are found by accident on the websites of ADs.
It doesn't help when TH have models on other countries websites but not ours. Is the green ladies Aquaracer released or not? It is on the US website but not the UK website...
S Sc1mitarI guess I opened a can of worms here, apologies. Although a newbie here, I’ve been a follower of Calibre11 back in the day for some time (as well as having owned a couple of vintage Heuers) and know of the historic ties to Tag and perhaps reasoning. But if the forum owners don’t want it, that’s enough for me. As to the the “respecting the brand” I find that a bit strange. I love the current designs, but in the end, it’s just a company which if it wanted a proper hard core embargo, could easily enforce it, like other watch companies clearly do.
the more you guys hate on these new skeletor Monacos, the more I'm gonna like them