·Okay, so I got an answer for you - they have three different bullheads in stock right now, is there one in particular you are interested in?
Okay, so I got an answer for you - they have three different bullheads in stock right now, is there one in particular you are interested in?
I like that strap you have on the Autavia- where is it from?
Thanks David. That strap is from Stewart at Heuerville.
Funny you should say you like it as when I had this watch out and was wearing it last week, I thought that maybe it looked a bit "Rugged and Heavy" for the pearl silver face. Was thinking I might order one more of the black leather straps which came with your Siffert Autavia for the Jack Autavia. Do you have the part number for that strap handy as I cant seem to find it.
What exactly is an ‘isogtaph’ (in the context of a watch, not the set square like device). Does it have any meaning in watchmaking terms or is it a marketing gimmick? Seems to be little info which comes back from Google on this aspect.
Nice looking watch. Looks quite Breitling though. Not what one would expect from Tag.
What exactly is an ‘isogtaph’ (in the context of a watch, not the set square like device). Does it have any meaning in watchmaking terms or is it a marketing gimmick? Seems to be little info which comes back from Google on this aspect.
Nice looking watch. Looks quite Breitling though. Not what one would expect from Tag.
The trademarked name comes from the Greek word iso, which means “equal”, and refers to the stable and consistent movement of the component.