Updated Carrera Family Shot.
A great Carrera Family, congrats Anthony!! 🥰
And congrats for your last arrival, the new glassbox Panda. I like it much more on the black rally strap! 👍
BTW Uncle Straps must be happy with you! 😁
Thanks Albert.
Yes I did a bulk buy from Uncle. I'm too lazy to keep swapping them from Watch to watch.
Couple pics from a recent trip to Japan. I really love how different light can change the appearance of the shades of the white and blue. It can look crisp white or this wonderful off-white near cream, and the blue can go from navy to mid-blue. I also added a second watch to my family. Ironically, not for a lack of trying (I went to ~10 stores), the sbgm221 was sold out in the entire country and I had to come back and buy it at my local AD.
That background should be right up Jim's street!