Absolutely love the look of this watch now! There's a lot going on, but its stunning. Thank you for sharing your buying experience post, made for good reading 😀
I have very little idea what they're worth, so again thank you for sharing info on this subject. Actually thought the one I posted on eBay was well priced so will continue searching.. Haven't looked a huge amount yet, but will visit all the reputable dealers to see what they're currently going for. Would be great if I could find one for around £1k.
Good to hear you've got the Pilot bug, but wow, that's expensive!
Watches of Lancashire had a truly mint/refurbished one for £1500 and I thought that was too much.
I paid £570 for mine... from eBay.
I just checked and it looks like Watches of Lancashire finally sold their one, which is a shame because if you are prepared to spend that kind of money I doubt you would have found a better one and it had a two year warranty. 🙁
Here's my buying experience post:
I genuinely have a problem
Limited Edition Carrera 1887 Bullhead by @swisswatchexpo #tagheuer #tagheuercarrera #bullhead #calibre11