Somebody stop me....

I'm 53 years old. I've always loved finely built machines, including high quality watches. However, watches are a passion I've been able to control better than most of my other passions (motorcycles, sports cars, hot rods, high end audio, and others). In fact, there really have been only two times I've indulged myself with a watch. When I was 20 years old in 1982 I was a private first class in the US Army stationed in Germany. I was newly married with virtually no money. I spent about $150 on a Seiko divers watch at the PX. Keep in mind my MONTHLY pay at the time was about $500 gross. My wife was furious, but I beat the crap out of that watch for 25 years. It was built like a tank. Then in the late 1990's, to celebrate my achieving my private pilot's license, I bought a $400 Seiko pilot's chronometer. My wife wasn't as mad because we had a little money by then. I still have the watch. It's like new. I do not wear it everyday. I've been preferring to wear a Casio G shock on a daily basis. Yep, no romance with the Casio, but I beat the heck out of that watch also and "who cares"?

Recently I lost the Casio. I'm not sure how that happened. It's the first watch I ever lost since I got my first Timex at 10 years old. I can't go day in and day out without a wristwatch. I feel lost without one. So I started looking at watches. Somehow I can't get my self to spend $50 bucks on another Casio, but at the same time I found myself looking at used Rolex's. Really? I don't want to spend $50 on one watch, but $5000 on another is an acceptable consideration? Jeez, have I lost my mind? Add to that the Rolex models that I can really afford (Submariner/ExplorerII) aren't really the Rolex's that I WANT. I've always lusted after a Rolex Daytona. Since high school in the late 70's I've wanted a Daytona. In 1983 my brother inherited my dad's Rolex. I didn't mind much. It was a circa 1940's base model Rolex that was pretty well beat up from my dad's 22 year Army career. In the back of my mind I figured that someday I'd be able to justify the expense of a Daytona so why not let my brother walk off with dad's Rolex?

Well at 53, coming down the home stretch to retirement, a Daytona will probably never happen for me. It's a weird time of life when you have money to spend, but also the maturity not to. At the same time, why not spend a bit and get a different, more affordable but just as iconic, watch to take me to my golden years and beyond? Since the days I was shopping for my Seiko pilot's chronometer about 20 years ago, I have really have had an itch for a Tag Heuer F1. More specifically an Indy 500 version. Yeah, I know, it syncs with my automobile passion. Rolex Daytona, Tag Heuer Indy 500...

So OK. I'm mature enough not to spend 10K on a Daytona, and wise enough not to spend 5K on a Submariner that I don't really want. But these Tag Heuer Indy 500's are really, really, calling out to me. I haven't seriously considered an expensive watch for 15 or 20 years, but I don't think I will stop until I own one of these fine machines in the coming weeks.

I really do not need someone to talk me out of this. The title of the thread is just a joke, but if I am going to spend more than I've ever spent on a watch, I really don't want to get burned. I can afford to purchase a new Indy 500 model from a reputable brick and mortar store, but after a couple weeks research, I've decided that I like both of the earlier two generations of the Indy 500 rather than the current model. That leaves me at the mercy of the used market. Please help me not buy a fake watch?

If I have my model numbers correct, I prefer the CAH101 A and B models, and my second favorite would be the CAC111B model.

Long winded post, I know. Especially for a first post. Thank you to all the readers who have made it this far.

The point to this whole rambling post is to ask for help from those in the know. Can you look at a few eBay posts and let me know what you think about the authenticity and value of the watches presented? Maybe some day you will be on a sports car forum, or an audio forum, asking for advice and then I can help you out....

These are a couple of the watches I'm looking at:

Are they authentic? A decent value? Any other observations?

Thanks for your time gentlemen.

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I think those are all genuine watches. The most important thing with eBay is to check seller ratings, but provided you pay with PayPal, then you have buyer protection anyway.

All of them show a bit of wear (the one that is described as "mint" clearly isn't). The seller of number three only has a feedback rating of "2" which wouldn't be enough for me. And the watch in number four doesn't show a photo of the chronograph resetting properly to zero. Not necessarily an issue, but I would want to check that it does.

You should also check and sites which are good for used sales.

Sounds like you are really set on the Indy 500. However, some further considerations:

- Some might say the styling on these older F1s is quite dated. That said, they are of their time and if you like that, then great.
- It's a quartz watch. Therefore it will be more accurate than a mechanical watch but doesn't have as much collectible value. Your budget would get you a nice mechanical watch if that would be of interest (although probably not a Tag).
- If you could stretch the budget a bit more, you could probably afford a Tag Heuer Carrera chronograph.
- You could definitely afford a brand new motorsport-inspired mechanical with 5 year movement warranty. Take a look at Christopher Ward nearly new sale:
- If you're new into the world of watches, then perhaps take a look through these topics also:$500-2526922.html

Good luck whatever you decide.
Great post :) always love hearing a bit of history. I have one observation: see if there are any TAG Heuer outlet stores nearby, they quite often have new old stock of older models at a massive saving, getting you both a new genuine watch with warranty, but also saving a bunch of money. Also, if you plan to beat this watch up too, consider quartz not automatic.
Thank you for both of your replies.
I think I'm pretty stuck on an Indy 500. The Carrera is gorgeous but I think I really want an Indy. I will check the links provided
Thanks again,
When I said look in the outlets, I meant you might find the old model Indy 500, I almost bought one about a year ago, very nice watch
Yeah there's no outlet near me, but I've sent an email to each of them. thanks