Forums Latest Members


  1. Hubert

    Hubert TAG Heuer Forums Moderator Staff Member Apr 9, 2023

    I M P O R T A N T

    These rules are in place to provide a better trading experience for everyone.

    While we want to keep the forum as open as possible, we have these measures to safeguard our community from scammers. While we understand these rule might frustrate some, they are meant to offer some safeguards to protect us and the reputation of our forum.

    Requirements to list or Post Replies in the Private Sales Section

    • Minimum post count of 200 posts is now required to post in the Marketplace forum. These are expected to be normal contributing posts, attempts at "post farming" will get the offender banned.
    • Keep all communication to through PMs. You can openly discuss an item publicly, but avoid any disparaging comments on the sales post. Keep discussions respectful and non-accusatory. Serious concerns should be reported to our Moderation staff.

    Marketplace posts that do NOT follow these guidelines will be deleted
    • Include 3 (or more) current photos that are at least 1024 pixels wide. Bigger is better to sell your item.
    • Your photos should NOT show the serial numbers, warranty codes, QR codes, etc. That information and their corresponding photos can be shared via PM, if requested.
    • Photos should be hosted on TAG Heuer Forums, not Photobucket or other external services.
    • Photos should be of the actual watch, or item for sale that is in your possession.
    • Include a price, (include the currency i.e. USD / EUR / AUD / etc) along with the description. A realistic buy it now price must be included. Post all relevant information and specifications within your ad.
    • Only one watch per sales thread.
    • Absolutely NO fakes, or "homage" (mimic) watches.
    • Linking to your eBay auction is OK, provided that the conditions noted above are met first. Linking to your eBay auctions in non-watch sales threads is not allowed.
    • Please state if you accept returns.
    • DO NOT DELETE THE LISTING OR THE PRICE WHEN SOLD - It is used for reference for sellers and buyers alike. It will be reinstated if deleted.
    • Provide links to recent feedback, or sales, or purchases that you've been involved with as part of your listing.
    • Keep all communication to PMs, rather than email. Do not list phone or What'sapp info.
    • NO SALES ON BEHALF OF A FRIEND - This is because if an issue arises, you the seller are responsible. Should the package get lost in transit, you should give the buyer a refund.
    • Sellers are fully responsible for their listings. No one else.

    Listing & BUMPING of your thread
    • There is a limit of ONE thread, or ONE bump, or ONE post, per day (24 hours) (regardless of number of watches listed).
    • Answering questions in a thread, does not count as a bump.
    • Marking an item SOLD or Pending Payment is not considered as a bump.

    Paying for an item

    • TAG Heuer Forums is NOT responsible for any losses you may incur.
    • Payment through PayPal is recommended.
    • Bank Transfer - Be cautious, do your research on the seller before parting with your hard earned cash.
    • We cannot help you reclaim any payments. Contact your local law enforcement if you believe you have been the victim of fraud.
    • Please repot to Forum Staff any suspicious activity.

    What is not tolerated
    • Using other peoples photos in ANY advert is strictly prohibited & could result in the post being deleted, your selling privileges revoked, and a possible ban.
    • Public bashing of someone's price is discouraged. Remember its their item and they can sell it for whatever price they deem fit, or they think its worth.

    Leaving feedback

    • When a transaction is completed leave feedback as a seller and a buyer on the marketplace post, as it will establish a credibility reference point.
    • If you have any concerns or a dispute about previous dealings and description accuracy, promises, shipping, etc. that can be brought-up as feedback. Please do not post feedback outside the Marketplace forum.
    • Slander is not permitted, and neither is violence or abusive language. A ban will follow.

    If you need to reach out to a forum Moderator, please do so with any questions you might have.

    - The TAG Heuer Forums Team
    Edited Apr 9, 2023
    Magnus Norberg, dtf, YG_Rulz and 7 others like this.
  2. Yago

    Yago Apr 9, 2023

    Fantastic! Thanks Hubert, we needed this :thumbsup:
    Hubert likes this.
  3. Hubert

    Hubert TAG Heuer Forums Moderator Staff Member Apr 9, 2023

    Many thanks to @dsio who did the heavy lifting and to @Jim Dollares for requesting the rules.
    Albert-AMG likes this.
  4. Yago

    Yago Apr 9, 2023

    Jim you’re such a Karen
    Aquagraph, imagwai and Anthony.R like this.
  5. imagwai

    imagwai Apr 9, 2023

    Given our sales post volume, I didn't think we had a problem with the current system to be honest and always liked that things were a bit more free and easy round here. Of course if the sales forum gets busier then rules are needed.

    What if a long-standing member wishes to place two sales ads - they have to wait 24 hours between each one? And I presume answering a question posed in a thread will not count as a bump?

    Despite my best intentions, I have on the rare occasion accidentally fallen foul of overzealous moderators on other forums in the past!
    HeuerLondon88 likes this.
  6. Jim Dollares

    Jim Dollares Apr 9, 2023

    Perhaps not a matter of volume but a brand new member showed up to sell a fake watch, hence the need for some rules became clear.
    Albert-AMG and Yago like this.
  7. imagwai

    imagwai Apr 9, 2023

    Absolutely agree there should be some basics in place such as not posting fakes!
  8. abrod520

    abrod520 Apr 9, 2023

    What this is really meant to prevent is two things; having the 'Latest' list be nothing but sales posts and preventing anyone from burying someone else's sales posts. Right now it may not seem necessary, but this was put in place at OF as the forum grew and more people began transacting there.
  9. imagwai

    imagwai Apr 9, 2023

    Maybe it's not possible, but perhaps the "Latest" list could exclude the marketplace posts? Or have it on a toggle to be set by individual preference.
  10. YG_Rulz

    YG_Rulz Apr 9, 2023

    Its good to have such well-defined rules. The first one of having a minimum forum presence is absolutely necessary and I've seen this work on other FB watch sale groups.

    Another rule that I would recommend is to ensure that no photos of serial numbers or warranty codes/QR codes would be allowed. Serial nos. and their photos can be shared on PM. We already have a lot of clones floating around due to innocently posted serial numbers - we should not add to that problem.
    Albert-AMG and Hubert like this.
  11. Hubert

    Hubert TAG Heuer Forums Moderator Staff Member Apr 9, 2023

    YG_Rulz and Albert-AMG like this.
  12. Hubert

    Hubert TAG Heuer Forums Moderator Staff Member Apr 9, 2023

    If a long standing member has urgency to post more than one sales post within 24hrs, please message us with the reasoning.

    Answering questions in a thread does not count as a bump. This point has been added to the rules for clarity.

    Since we don't yet have a dedicated Feedback section, to keep it simple, the buyer and seller should simply post their feedback at the end of each transaction. That way, we'll start building references that can give others reassurance. This should clarify the reasoning behind these two points:
    • Provide links to recent feedback, or sales, or purchases that you've been involved with as part of your listing.
    • When a transaction is completed, leave feedback as a seller and a buyer on the marketplace post, as it will establish a credibility reference point.
    In the end, these rules are meant to prevent fraud in our community. We all need to exercise oversight in our collective marketplace and putting structure around the sales should provide more peace-of-mind for everyone. And finally, please remember that we can adjust these rules when something is not working. Thank you all for your support!
    YG_Rulz, dtf, imagwai and 3 others like this.