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  1. ddaenen1

    ddaenen1 May 14, 2019

    I am struggling with my CM45 lately. In the beginning i had few to no issues and was very happy with how the watch performed but throughout the various updates, my watch has become worse and worse. It started with BT connectivity issues, the iphone app crashing and lately my battery doesn't even last for a day anymore, more like half a day. Also, when coming off the charger, it now seems to be frozen and "wakes up" 15-20 seconds later. I do not know if all these issues are connected to each other but it is starting to become very annoying. Already to the point that i start wearing my other watches more not to run out of battery during the day.

    I have though about doing a full reset but then i have to go and set up everything again and it shouldn't be like that with a device such as this. Curious to see if any near future update will improve the whole thing.
  2. SGough

    SGough Jun 12, 2019

    I must say, I’m far from impressed. I have had an Apple Watch, stainless steel original one, bought on launch day and worn it pretty much every day since. Never missed a beat, Apple Pay works every time, Watch os is flawless. I recently, April ‘19, decided to treat myself to a Connected 45 as something a bit nicer. It looks and feels great, everything else is awful. It constantly asks me for my screen pin, despite the fact it’s a relatively tight fit. Google pay was hit and miss, and has now stopped altogether, I’ve given up with the embarrassment of trying to use it. It constantly re-boots itself, I’m luck if the battery lasts 13-14hr of light use, and to top it all, the black crown just fell off yesterday. I’m currently awaiting a return package to send it in for repairs. Probably the worst £2K I’ve ever spent.
  3. Albert-AMG

    Albert-AMG TAG Heuer Forums Moderator Staff Member Jun 12, 2019

    My experience with the TH Connected Modular 45 is really good, and I’m totally happy with it (specially after last system H update, which improved the watch in many areas) after more than one year wearing it almost every day.

    Is your system updated? These are last versions:

    To avoid being asked for your screen pin, you can modify these settings and switch off the screen lock:

    I don’t have any issues about re-booting in my CM45 either. My other CM45 (Kingsman) also works perfect... so it seems your particular watch has some problem. Just use your 2 years warranty to solve it :thumbsup:

    About battery life, try a battery calibration. It improved a lot the battery life in my watch: just let the watch go to 0% of battery until it switches-off itself, then put it on the charger and don’t remove it until is at 100%, and repeat the same process one more time. Just search in the forum for “battery calibration” if you want more info
    BMW Works likes this.
  4. SGough

    SGough Jun 12, 2019

    Thank you, i’ll certainly try, love the watch, it just doesn’t function. I’ll cocktail the software, but think it is on the latest version. I thought it made you have the screen lock on if you had google pay on for security ?

    The return packaging arrived today, so i’m Keeping my fingers crossed Tag can fix it and restore my faith in it.
    Albert-AMG likes this.
  5. Albert-AMG

    Albert-AMG TAG Heuer Forums Moderator Staff Member Jun 12, 2019

    I use Apple Pay in my iPhone, and then I’m not using google pay in the CM45, so I don’t need to lock the screen, and I can set NFC off, which also saves battery... maybe if you have so many problems with the screen pin and with google
    pay, you could do the same

    I hope your CM45 returns properly fixed. If not, just ask for it, because this watch must work perfect. As I told you in the previous post, I’m using it almost daily since May 2018, and it works perfect :thumbsup:
  6. ddaenen1

    ddaenen1 Jun 13, 2019

    I must say that the latest update fixed a lot of my previous irritations. BT connectivity is ok again and the battery drain seems to be gone too as is the freezing after i take it off the charger. Wearing it with joy again. Still hoping that one day WearOS will support the outlook email app on my iphone as i do miss the agenda notifications on my watch since our company changed from integrated email apps on iOS and Android to Outlook. For the rest, all good again. :thumbsup:
    Albert-AMG likes this.
  7. Albert-AMG

    Albert-AMG TAG Heuer Forums Moderator Staff Member Jun 13, 2019

    Great! :thumbsup: Glad to read this :)
    BMW Works likes this.
  8. BMW Works

    BMW Works Jun 14, 2019

    I can say i could give you the same answer like Albert. I had a faulty CM45 that was replaced under warranty. (Water ingress related problems) but besides that with Android H our overall experience changed very much in the better way. Try calibration and check your updates. If not.. send it back.
    Albert-AMG likes this.
  9. SGough

    SGough Jun 17, 2019

    Excellent, watch sent for repair under warranty. Had notice today that they're send it back to Switzerland, expected
    turnaround approximately 6 weeks, for a watch I've only had 6 weeks. Horrendous. Certainly never again if this is customer service.