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  1. gophishin

    gophishin Jul 1, 2015

    I'm looking for information on finding correct first execution hands (hour/minute/chrono) for a Carrera with additional track; whether places to look, opinions on likelihood, or even costs, or if I don't stand a chance. I know the hands on the Carreras with the additional tracks were slightly shorter, but I'm assuming the chrono seconds was the same?

    I'm considering the purchase of a watch that has some odd ball hands from who knows where, but if it can be had cheap enough, I'm thinking (hoping) it might make the search for replacement hands worth it. The sub dial hands, and the rest of the watch all appear correct.
  2. Calibre11

    Calibre11 Editor of Staff Member Jul 14, 2015

    Parts are hard to find...and getting harder. Those that have parts are reluctant to sell them, because with values going up, people assume that the parts will be worth even more in the future.

    The hardest period is the one that you are looking at- the 1960s. There are a reasonable supply of 70s parts (or at least there was), but '60s is harder.

    OK, I'm telling you nothing helpful so far, but worth setting the scene!

    The option I would look at is buy the watch and then buy the closest hands that you can find- they may not be 100% correct (second execution hands?), but you can enjoy the watch while you look for the right parts. I would e-mail the "usual" suspects (HeuerTime, etc) and keep an eye on eBay. It might take some time, biy you can then sell your "almost right" hands and fit the correct ones if and when they turn up.

  3. gophishin

    gophishin Jul 15, 2015

    so, be patient and persistent is what you're saying! Thanks for the reply. I am seeing how difficult and scarce parts, and the watches have become. I punted this one, but my guess is that the 60s carreras with additional tracks are even harder to find hands for because they were slightly shorter?