Social Media and Watches...

Thanks for sharing. A very interesting topic this. I am glad instagram exists because it gives me a constant flow of watch kicks, looking at sexy watches daily. But, it is all about looks and kind of shallow. I have probably not learnt a single note worthy thing about anything on instagram. The forums however, this is where we deep dive, learn things and develop as collectors and enthusiasts. I agree that instagram is an easy format to grasp and get into for beginners and who knows, maybe it can help feed more enthusiasts into the forums, helping forums and the online pools of knowledge grow.
Thanks for sharing. A very interesting topic this. I am glad instagram exists because it gives me a constant flow of watch kicks, looking at sexy watches daily. But, it is all about looks and kind of shallow. I have probably not learnt a single note worthy thing about anything on instagram. The forums however, this is where we deep dive, learn things and develop as collectors and enthusiasts. I agree that instagram is an easy format to grasp and get into for beginners and who knows, maybe it can help feed more enthusiasts into the forums, helping forums and the online pools of knowledge grow.

IG is the most fun when people reach out to ask questions or talk about similar experiences. It's def quick hits most of the time, but I've made a couple of 'watch friends' from our correspondences on IG too.

Just don't get sucked into the hype swirl from the big dealer accounts :p