··Ash @ ΩFThis is simply amazing, 6 years out of F1 due to that horrific rally injury that nearly resulted in the amputation of his right arm he's actually back in an F1 car doing laps again. He tested a GP3 car recently and found that for the first time since his accident the angle he could use his arm at no longer held him back at all, even on a track with multiple sharp hairpins intended to stress his abilities. Now to do 115 in an older F1 car, and reportedly be complaining about grip, understeer and the lack of downforce means this guy could actually make a comeback as complaining about the car is the best sign of a healthy and capable F1 driver.
Its been rumoured for years that he's been working in F1 simulators at Enstone and has been consistently quick, quicker in fact than their actual race drivers and this is a bloke Fernando Alonso considered one of the fastest in the sport.
Mark Hughes discusses the possibility of Robert coming back to F1 here, no doubt potentially taking Palmer currently somewhat wasted seat:
Its been rumoured for years that he's been working in F1 simulators at Enstone and has been consistently quick, quicker in fact than their actual race drivers and this is a bloke Fernando Alonso considered one of the fastest in the sport.
Mark Hughes discusses the possibility of Robert coming back to F1 here, no doubt potentially taking Palmer currently somewhat wasted seat: