Looking for replacement Chrono Module in Heuer titanium chronograph model 225.206

My Heuer titanium chronograph model 225.206 stopped working a long time ago.

German dealers and heuer themselves told me that the chrono module (185), a composite of
A ESA 555.232 quartz base plus a Dubois Depraz mechanical chronograph module was not possible to repair as the small step-motor inside the DD was broken and no spare parts were to be found. That was around 1995 long before the internet and calibre11.

I am looking for someone who could provide me with links/addresses to dealers/clockmakers who could provide either a working 185 or parts of it (DD or even the little motor) and put this new „heartbeat“ into the existing shell.
A working but scratched/damaged chronograph as a spare part collection could be an option as well..

Any Idea welcome - Thank you for your time and support - X
You’ll struggle to find parts, as what you have found is what many others find when the Chrono stops working on these 80’s models.

You may have luck finding a watch with the same quartzchrono movement that works on eBay.