Do I have a problem?

Hi Everyone. I have a question that may be dumb... I have an Aquaracer calibre 5 (Hawaii Limited Edition). This is my second Tag Heuer and I purchased it in August 2016. In late Sept 2016 I noticed that every 2 or 3 days it would suddenly be 10+ minutes off. It would be very accurate for days and then suddenly 10+ minutes off. I thought maybe it was my execution so I bought a watch winder. At night I would put it on the winder when I wasn't wearing it. The problem still happened. I sent it off for warranty work in Nov 2016. In Feb 2017 the watch was returned to me. I've been very happy with it since then until about 3 weeks ago. I'm not sure if this is a problem or just they way things are: I alternate between my Carrera and the Aquaracer. I've been doing this since Feb when the aquaracer came back. The problem is, all of a sudden, since about 3 weeks ago the Aquaracer will stop after 2-3 days on the winder. Meaning that if I'm wearing the Carrera the Aquaracer will stop as if it isn't wound. I'll wind it manually and it will work but a few days later same thing. This never happened until the last three weeks. However, when I'm wearing the watch daily the accuracy is really good, +/- 3 seconds per day. So, the watch keeps perfect time but stops when on a watch winder. Should I send it in again? I really don't want to but I think something may be wrong. Any advice?
Is your winder bidirectional?
Yes, it is bi-directional with various rev per day settings. I have it set per to the correct rom (based on a website that was linked in an old post here).
I's send it back, while the warranty is still valid.