AD Woes

Slightly annoying, got the call Friday that the 2 additional straps for my Monaco had turned up, brilliant I thought, I'm over in that way on Saturday, I'll go collect I'll even wear the Monaco (as not been lately as looking to sell).

Fast forward 24hrs, slightly manic day (joys of a 4yr old, unwell 3m old, stressful partner and busy shopping centre) Also slightly stressful me. Finally park, 3m crying, partner says you go in collect the straps and we can go, brilliant 'in & out' suits me fine, she then says actually have them fit it you might as well, this point my 4yr old starts moaning about wanting a teddy, cue family stress levels rising. OK I say against my better judgement, I can fit straps when home later that day or tomorrow, but I am curious how the new blue gulf strap looks on the Monaco.

Get to the store, SA says brilliant I'll go fit, 15mins later & may partner is now in the store but with screaming 3m old who is overtired, stress levels rising all round (plus busy store - another family buying their dad a Carrera Elgance for a birthday).

SA hands watch back, but upon fitting to wrist I note the buckle round the wrong way (as per another thread, Heuer buckle is fitted reverse as you don't read Heuer face on - much like you'd normally expect), I mention this and SA says no it's meant to that way as you read it correctly, she said it's off you had it the other way and says she can change it if needed. I no they are wrong, but say it's fine I'll sort when home, as my entourage is getting more & more stressed.

Anyways not until that evening when I'm home I inspect the watch, and unfortunately note 2 scratched lugs, I'm bummed, but overly cross, feel like I've got to much on elsewhere to be annoyed, I know these things happen and my original judgement to it myself should've prevailed.

I've scratched my BB58 lugs doing strap changes (yes tighter tolerances) but least I done that. Partner is extremely annoyed.

Many a lessons to be learned I guess (feels that way regarding the Monaco as whole - those that follow my other threads).

I've emailed the AD today, but cannot expect a resolve.

Anyways some pictures below of the damage and incorrect fitting. I must say after initially not liking the OG black strap and thinking the Monaco needs to be on blue, I feel the Gulf blue is slightly off, doesn't match the dial as much, but I do prefer the larger middle holes of the Rallye strap. The brown looks nice, but not opened.




I'll also add they AD had in the all the new unisex Carrera's, my little loved the pink, but I thought the silver dial looked the best even with the gold indices.

The new blue 39mm 'glassbox' chrono looked nice, but feel the 42mm WoS Ed still the best Carrera. They did have the new 42mm Carrera black dial with the red & yellow outer rings, that did look very nice.
These things happen in life. I've had my internet cut off this morning which isn't great for a Monday. On the plus side the strap looks great.
I think you’ve probably got 2 options

If the watch is within the refund timeframe then you could go down that route.

Or, if the scratches are bothering you, then potentially they could send the watch away for complimentary polishing on the lugs?
That’s shocking, pity you didn’t see them while in the shop but I realise you had “distractions?”, I like the style of that strap with bigger holes but like my version with the orange(dirty) stitching better, a wee bit contrast.image.jpg
Always felt the watch should have a blue strap of some description from new, been easy for them to make them to match the face colour surely.
I need to try brown out on mine.
IMHO, the blue strap looks best.

Sorry to hear about your stresses. While scratched lugs on a Monaco are certainly a first-world problem, it is still unacceptable! I don’t even let pro shops re-grip my used golf clubs. Unless you have first-hand knowledge that the tech is skilled and anal-retentive, then do it yourself.

I’d shoot for a replacement and accept a quality polish. Plus a free Tag cap or shirt!

P.S. Those scratches are atrocious. The worker needs a demotion.
See if you can bag some free swag from the AD as a goodwill gesture. If you’re not getting anywhere with them, email TH UK directly and kick up a fuss.

FWIW I personally would avoid any “refinishing” to fix these scratches like the plague - that has the potential to create even more issues.

It’s really crap that this happened but these kinds of marks are inevitable anyway. My Monaco was covered in them after 18 months of wear, including plenty just like yours from strap changes. After a while I just stopped caring
That sucks. Live and learn, hopefully the AD will compensate you somehow.

I've had that happen to me. Now I always change the straps myself, don't trust anyone else.

You can try Cape Cod polishing cloths, it might help remove some of the lighter scratches. It's pretty gentle, but it won't get out the deeper scratches.
Those scratches are horrendous. On the flip side the strap looks just right, I agree on the pattern of the perforations, the colour us good too. I think if they tried to match the strap exactly to the face it would be overkill, better to be darker but complimentary.
Wouldn’t trust anyone in a watch store to put straps on nowadays. Have all the gear at home and if there is going to be scratches I want to put them there :D
Spoke with AD who mentioned bring it in next time around and they can polish it out, or send it off to be done.

Guess happy with that, after all they were great with me and the buying experience between this and the WoS Ed.

If I could get a freebie great, unsure what.

Few year back I did get a rather nice TH umbrella from the Oxford St store, which my partner broke in bad winds grrrr. I do need to get that fixed
Subtly ask them what price they are and explain that you miss the one you had that got broken. They may well take the hint if they have one available. :)
So after chasing 2weeks after drop off, was told they are working on it & expect it to be another 2-3wks.

Was over Lakeside yesterday and thought I'd pop in and enquiry again (now 3wks), after some waiting watch was found & told arrived on the Friday, then told £25 fee to pay. Queried this as ADs fault, and mentioned the issue, 10mins later error made & apologies, watch had plastic wrapping around, & in the store looked OK, no travel coffin or box but was wrapped in WoS cleaning cloth. Short drive to sister in-laws, happy to have the Monaco back (was starting to go off it as didn't miss it - but seeing them in store defiantly my favourite TH).

Peel plastic wrapper off, low & behold no work done & scratches still there! ::censored::

Now am I expecting too much & should I now complain?
So after chasing 2weeks after drop off, was told they are working on it & expect it to be another 2-3wks.

Was over Lakeside yesterday and thought I'd pop in and enquiry again (now 3wks), after some waiting watch was found & told arrived on the Friday, then told £25 fee to pay. Queried this as ADs fault, and mentioned the issue, 10mins later error made & apologies, watch had plastic wrapping around, & in the store looked OK, no travel coffin or box but was wrapped in WoS cleaning cloth. Short drive to sister in-laws, happy to have the Monaco back (was starting to go off it as didn't miss it - but seeing them in store defiantly my favourite TH).

Peel plastic wrapper off, low & behold no work done & scratches still there! ::censored::

Now am I expecting too much & should I now complain?
Oh dear, sorry to hear that. Not being funny, but I would have fully inspected it in the store!
Oh dear, sorry to hear that. Not being funny, but I would have fully inspected it in the store!

If I’m honest after waiting probably 25-30mins, me without my glasses and the AD lights, and the wrapping I couldn’t tell - but another lesson learnt
Unbelievable, I really don't know what to say. Perhaps they did polish the lugs but the scratch was too deep?

But I have to agree with @imagwai. After the first time when you casually took the watch home (after changing the strap) and then noticed the scratches, I would've come prepared for a full inspection. At least take the wrap off and have close look (even without your glasses). ::facepalm2::